Google Closure – Is It a True Compiler?


This question is inspired by the debate in the comments on this Stack Overflow question. The Google Closure Compiler documentation states the following (emphasis added):

The Closure Compiler is a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster. It is a true compiler for JavaScript. Instead of compiling from a source language to machine code, it compiles from JavaScript to better JavaScript.

However, Wikipedia gives the following definition of a "compiler":

A compiler is a computer program (or set of programs) that transforms source code written in a programming language (the source language) into another computer language… A language rewriter is usually a program that translates the form of expressions without a change of language.

Based on that, I would say that Google Closure is not a compiler. But the fact that Google explicitly state that it is in fact a "true compiler" makes me wonder if there's more to it. Is Google Closure really a JavaScript compiler?

Best Answer

The Closure Compiler is a minifier, an optimiser and a validator all-in-one. That kind of puts it in its own category, because you're correct that a compiler should at least take something that won't run in its current form and turn it into something that will (take TypeScript for an ECMAScript-based example).

But do you blame Google for stretching the terminology? What else were they going to call it? Google Minifier? No, it's more than that, and there are hundreds of those out there. Google Optimiser? It's way more than that. Google Validator? No, it's way more than that too.

So the choice is

  • Call it Google Closure Foogle and introduce a whole new otherwise-meaningless word into the lexicon.
  • Call it Google Closure Minoptivalidator, which is clearer in intent but harder to remember.
  • Call it Google Closure Compiler, which is pretty close to the truth.

It does everything you would expect a compiler to do, with only a semantic difference. And, in the end, all words are defined by their usage, to some extent. So if Google can convince people to call this a compiler, the definition of compiler changes slightly. Certainly not in any way that will cause a problem.

Or, to come back to the earlier example, can you find anything significant about TypeScript that allows it to be called a "true compiler", while Google Closure Compiler should be restricted to "almost a compiler"?