JavaScript – Differentiating Between JS Framework and JS Library


While searching through many javascript libraries/frameworks, I observed that the terms are sometimes used interchangeably.

So, conceptually is it important to distinguish between framework and library?

Do people seriously make their decisions based on whether it is a library or framework?

Would a user like to browse two separate areas – libraries and frameworks while looking for a solution?

Best Answer

So, conceptually is it important to distinguish between framework and library?

Yes, it is. A framework and a library are fundamentally different. The defining characteristic of a framework is inversion of control: when you use a library, you call the library; when you use a framework, the framework calls you.

So, they are not just "different", they are in fact exact opposites in some sense.

Do people seriously make their decisions based on whether it is a library or framework?

Yes, of course. Building a solution with a library vs. a framework yields completely different (again, in some sense opposite) design. With a framework, the entire structure of your code will be "inside-out" compared to with a library.

Would a user like to browse two separate areas - libraries and frameworks while looking for a solution?

Highly likely. I know I would.