Design Patterns in JavaScript – Is Module Pattern Only for Singleton Creation?


Some articles (JavaScript Module Pattern In Depth, Mastering The Module Pattern) describe defining modules in JavaScript like in the snippet below (from Addy Osmani's "Learning JavaScript Design Patterns"):

var testModule = (function () {
    var counter = 0;
    return {
        incrementCounter: function () {
            return counter++;
        resetCounter: function () {
           console.log( "counter value prior to reset: " + counter );
           counter = 0;

Module usage:


In this case we are using a single instance in the entire code, and it means that this module implementation is useful only if we want to create a singleton.

Is it true or there are other use cases when this Module pattern variation can be used?

Best Answer

I'd argue no-ish. I'm not sure it's really the "module pattern" if you return anything other than a singleton. But, you can certainly use the same "pattern" to accomplish other things.

The module protects the global scope from the internal variables used to build the return-value; but the return value can itself be a function -- including a constructor.

To that end, if you had a need for some sort of "private static" class member which you'd like all instances of a class to access, the module pattern can accomplish that.

As a silly example, suppose you're building a Counter class, wherein each individual Counter needs to track a certain event, but wherein you also want a protected TotalCountEvents across all Counter objects, you could do this:

var Counter = (function() {
  var totalcount = 0;

  var constructor = function() {
    var count = 0;
    this.increment = function() { count += 1; totalcount += 1; };
    this.getCount = function() { return count; };

  constructor.getTotalCount = function() { return totalcount; };
  return constructor;

You can then use it like this:

var counterA = new Counter();
var counterB = new Counter();

counterA.increment(); counterA.increment();
counterB.increment(); counterB.increment(); counterB.increment();

console.log(counterA.getCount(), counterB.getCount(), Counter.getTotalCount());

And you'll see:

> 2 3 5

But, access to the underlying totalcount will be restricted to instances of Counter.

Bear in mind, the factory pattern can accomplish the same sort of thing, just with stylistic/syntactic differences. Changing your factory to look like a "module" mostly allows you to create instances with new ... which is taboo in some circles anyway.

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