Javascript – Language Design: Are languages like Python and CoffeeScript really more comprehensible


The "Verbally Readable !== Quicker Comprehension" argument on is really potent and interesting. I and I'm sure others would be very interested in evidence arguing against this. There's clear evidence for this and I believe it. People naturally think in images, not words, so we should be designing languages that aren't similar to human language like English, French, whatever.

Being "readable" is quicker comprehension. Most articles on Wikipedia are not readable as they are long, boring, dry, sluggish and very very wordy. Because Wikipedia documents a ton of info, it is not especially helpful when compared to sites with more practical, useful and relevant info. Languages like Python and CoffeScript are "verbally readable" in that they are closer to English syntax. Having programmed firstly and mainly in Python, I'm not so sure this is really a good thing.

The second interesting argument is that CoffeeScript is an intermediator, a step between two ends, which may increase the chance of bugs.

While CoffeeScript has other practical benefits, this question specifically requests evidence showing support for the counter-case of language "readability"

Best Answer

I think the Article has a point as far as JavaScript vs. CoffeScript is concerned.

I personally find JavaScript quite readable and I just do not see the point of sticking another layer of syntax on top.

I have similar experiences with Java/Groovy, Groovy is just great: highly expressive, cuts out a lot of useless tedious typing compared with Java, the "extras" like native SQL support are really worth having. BUT the last time I used it debugging was painful, you end up stepping through endless obscure internal Groovy classes before you get back to your own code.

Python on the other hand is a complete self supporting environment, it is it's own language and is not tacked on top of another language (although Python itself is written in C and has excellent integration with anything written in C or C++). It has its own debugger so for the most part you are debugging the python code you wrote.

The designers of Python obsess over the expressiveness of the language and consistency of syntax. Once you get the hang of it it is very readable. You genuinely write much less code in Python compared with using other languages to solve the same problem, and, well written Python code is clear and unambiguous.

The only downsides are that in common with most dynamic languages it does not play well with IDEs, and, all that lovely high level expressiveness is not interpreted into a lean mean execution.

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