Web Development – Rush to Client-Side Technologies


In the past few months, I recognized a big excitement about client-side scripting in web development. But while server-side technologies are mature, stable and well accepted by backend-developers, client-side technologies are immature (i.e. compared to big server-side framework) and disliked by many long-established developers. Nevertheless everyone is doing client-side development these days. I personally expect those big server-side frameworks to disappear in like 2-5 years, watching the current trend.

Why is that so? How could the new and "diffuse" client-side developing in HTML5/JS possibly be superior to big and well thought server-side solutions?

Best Answer

This is true:

Rush to client-side in web development

But it is not confined to client-side, it is a full stack movement.

I know this may be surprising. Please, hear me out.

Why is that so? How could the new and "diffuse" client-side developing in HTML5/JS possibly be superior to big and well thought server-side solutions?

First of all, both are well thought out.

Secondly, Because it is better.

Good question.

But "better" is subjective, so the answer to your question is, what specifically is better?

Re-visit the question:

How could "diffuse" client-side developing in HTML5/JS possibly be superior to big server-side solutions?

Because small is nimble.
And big is clunky.

It is flexibility.

Doesn't seem like a big deal. Does it? Flexibility.

However, flexibility underlies everything. One improvement in flexibility - improves everything.

Maintainability. Extensibility. Scalability. Modularity. Usability. UX.

And it is faster to implement. This is the reality. Faster and Better.

This is why Windows 8 made JS a first-class citizen.

HTML5 - JS, is not a fad and it will not go away. We are only seeing the seeds of a technology that will grow to provide computing content and interaction behavior to tablets. Tablets.

Smart phones were the fastest mass-media adoption since the TV in the 1950's. Now, not only do we have smartphones - we have Tablets.

Already in development at Mozilla and Windows the OS that will run on future devices in their markets -> HTML/JS.

Many solutions and innovations remain.

A full stack of JS is emerging, based on flexibility.

I hope that helps.

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