Single Page Web Applications – Requiring JavaScript


I'm under the impression, and I agree with it, that it's bad to create a web application requiring JavaScript to function properly.

What if one were to create a single page application? Is it possible to create one that doesn't rely on JavaScript, without being difficult, or full of "hacks"?

Best Answer

I'd say no. It could've been bad 5-10 years ago to create a web application that requires JavaScript, but technology is advancing, and as such, web applications are becoming more dynamic, and require proper processing technology. This is where JavaScript comes in.

Single page web applications are likely to be even more heavily reliant on JavaScript, as they tend to make strong use of AJAX calls to show data.

At the end of the day, you could theoretically make a single page application in server-side code such as PHP, but the quality of the website will be severely lacking in comparison to one that takes full advantage of the technology available today.

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