HTML5 Game Development – Starting an HTML Canvas Game with No Graphics Skills

3dcanvasgame developmenthtml5javascript

I want to do some hobby game development, but I have some unfortunate handicaps that have me stuck in indecision; I have no artistic talent, and I also have no experience with 3D graphics. But this is just a hobby project that might not go anywhere, so I want to develop the stuff I care about; if the game shows good potential, my graphic "stubs" can be replaced with something more sophisticated. I do, however, want my graphics engine to render something approximate to the end goal.

The game is tile-based, with each tile being a square. Each tile also has an elevation. My target platform (subject to modification) is JavaScript rendering to the HTML 5 canvas, either with a 2D or WebGL context.

My question to those of you with game development experience is whether it's easier to develop an isometric game using a 2D graphics engine and sprites or a 3D game using rudimentary 3D primitives and basic textures? I realize that there are limitations to isometric projection, but if it makes developing my throwaway graphics engine easier, I'm OK with the visual warts that would be introduced. Or is representing a 3D world with an actual 3D engine easier?

Best Answer

Generally speaking, 2D and pseudo-3D (such as isometric and other axonometric projections) is much easier than 3D in many regards.

First of all, 3D game logic is way more complex than 2D - many simple techniques for things like collision detection and physics simply don't work in 3D, and even for those that do, wrapping your head around what happens is significantly harder in 3D. (After all, we humans are built for living on a relatively flat surface, so our brains are inherently 2.5D).

Another problem is that 3D artwork is a lot more complex. With 2D graphics, you only have one viewpoint to consider; if your sprite looks good in the editor, it will look good in the game. In 3D, you are typically using mesh models, and they are dynamically shaded, and both the viewpoint and the light direction can be virtually anything. Your models still need to look convincing at all times, which makes creating them much harder than 2D sprites.

And then there are the technical constraints of the web:

  • WebGL is not yet universally available; getting it to run at all involves quite some black magic on some platforms, and even if it does work, performance characteristics are quite unreliable. 2D canvas, by contrast, works out-of-the box on any recent browser and OS. Doing 3D graphics on a 2D canvas, while perfectly possible, requires considerable trickery to get partial occlusion right (either clipping polygons against each other yourself, or using the sub-optimal Painter's Algorithm), and textured primitives are pretty much impossible. You'll also have to write all the lighting code yourself. A typical isometric graphics engine, however, is perfectly doable on a 2D canvas.
  • Javascript is single-threaded, and wasn't meant to provide accurate low-granularity timing, which you need for smooth graphics. Hickups in animation smoothness are much more tolerable in a 2D game than in 3D, unless the 3D scene is mostly static and doesn't involve a moving camera.
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