JavaScript Terminology – What Is a Non-Self-Calling Function?

functional programmingfunctionsjavascriptnamingterminology

I have a collection of normal functions and self-calling functions within a javascript file. In my comments i want to say something along the lines of "This script can contain both self-calling and XXX functions", where XXX is the non-self-calling functions.

"Static" springs to my mind, but feel that would be incorrect because of the use of static methods in PHP, which is something completely different.

Anyone any ideas? Thanks!

Best Answer

First, the "self-calling functions" aren't actually self-calling. I know that's what people in the Javascript community call them, but it's really misleading; the functions never reference themselves, and in fact a lot of the time there's no way to call that particular function more than once. If they were actually self-calling functions, then recursive functions would have been the best way to name them.

What you really have are (usually) immediately executed lambdas whose results are stored in a variable in order to limit the scope of their internals. "IEL" isn't as catchy as "self-calling functions", so I guess that's why the real name never caught on.

The thing is though, that's entirely too low-level; it's an implementation detail that nobody cares about (it's like saying "here be for loops"). Generally, when you're using those immediate-execution functions, the reason why you're using them is because you're making some sort of a module, which needs its own namespace.

If that's the case, then instead of saying "self-executing functions", you should say "this script contains modules that do <stuff>". Otherwise, you should figure out what you're trying to do with the functions, and say that's what's in your script.

Now, the reason why you use modules in Javascript is because otherwise everything goes into the global scope. Those other functions you're writing, that aren't going to be inside the modules (or whatever you decide they are), are going to end up there. So use that - "this script file contains both modules that do <stuff> and global functions that do <more stuff>".

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