Modern Approach to Tight Coupling Between JavaScript, HTML, and CSS


It's very common to see Javascript bound to certain selectors to find elements, store data, and listen for events. It's also common to see these same selectors used for styling.

jQuery (and its selector engine Sizzle) support and promote this by referencing elements with CSS-type syntax. As such, this technique is particularly difficult to 'unlearn' (or refactor) when building out projects.

I've come to understand that this is a result of the history of HTML and Javascript development, and that browsers have been built to efficiently consume / parse / and render this sort of coupling. But as websites become increasingly complex, this reality can introduce difficulties in organizing and maintaining these separate layers.

My question is: can and should this be avoided in modern websites?

If I'm new to front-end development, and I wish to learn things 'the right way,' is it worth learning to decouple and avoid such dependencies from the start? Does this mean avoiding jQuery in favor of a library that promotes a more decoupled structure?

Best Answer

There is no way to avoid that. They are coupled because they interact with each other. If your javascript intends on doing any kind of DOM manipulation, then it needs a way to reference the DOM.

There are various conventions for it.

The Level 2 DOM API provides the getElementById, getElementByTagName, and getElementsByName methods. To this day these are the workhorses of any kind of DOM traversal. All other fancier jQuery selectors resolve into a combination of these eventually, and/or straight up traversal of each DOM node (this was the way to do getByClassName).

There is no other shortcut. Javascript needs to know what to do and where. Typically, if an element has an id or class that is only relevant in scripting, a lot of people will prefix it with js- or some other obvious flag.

Another newer convention is the data-attribute selection.

<ul data-myapp-sortable="true">


The data-attribute is generally used for scripting purposes and selecting using that makes some sense. The drawback is that this is slower than using getElementById().

Another approach is the one used by angularJS, which creates a view-model. In this convention any kind of scripting functionality is specified by specially designated attributes like ng-disabled ng-href and many more. You don't add selectors in your javascript. The HTML document becomes the main authority on what is scripted and how, and the javascript works on it abstractly. It's a good approach, but obviously with a higher learning curve than the previous methods. And again, performance has to be considered.

But don't ever think that you can write interactive HTML and javascript, and somehow have both those parts not know about the other. It's more about how can you limit the references to dependencies.

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