JavaScript Recursion – How to Use Additional Parameters in Recursion Problems


Okay, I was being interviewed at a company and the interviewer asked me a recursion problem. It was an online interview, so, he had set up the problem statement and a function signature on CodeSandbox (an online code editor/collaboration tool). I was supposed to fill-up the function body. He had only one parameter in the function signature. I added another parameter just to keep track of the result. He said I shouldn't add another parameter(I was providing a default value to the additional parameter), as it changes the function signature.

Now, in my opinion, if you are adding an optional parameter to the signature, it wouldn't make any difference. Let me take a simple example to make it more clear to you:

Problem: Check if the input is a palindrome.

Solution 1:

function isPalindrome(input, index = 0){
    const isAMatch = input[index] === input[input.length - 1 - index]

    if (index === Math.floor((input.length - 1) / 2)) {
        return isAMatch

    if (isAMatch) {
        return isPalindrome(input, ++index)

    return isAMatch

In the solution above, I added an optional parameter: index to keep track of the index to be matched. The question here is that if it's reasonable to add this optional parameter?

Solution 2:

function isPalindrome(str){
    if(str.length === 1) return true;
    if(str.length === 2) return str[0] === str[1];
    if(str[0] === str.slice(-1)) return isPalindrome(str.slice(1,-1))
    return false;

In this solution, we aren't using any additional parameters.

Now I'm repeating the question again, would Solution 1 be considered as an invalid solution?

Best Answer

Well I like the index solution simply because it doesn't require creating multiple sub strings on the heap.

The problem with interview questions is they're mostly "guess what I'm thinking" games. So while you and I might be fully objectively right about which is the better solution the point is to show that you can work with the interviewer to either get them to see that or figure out what will make them happy even if it is stupid.

But to answer your exact question, no. Solution 1 is still valid. If challenged about the signature all you had to do was call _isPalindrome(input, index) from isPalindrome(input). No one said you couldn't define a new function. You are still using recursion. But can you get the interviewer to see that?

Being right is a small consolation if you don't get the job.

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