Advantages of Server-Side Page Rendering


I am developing a web app and I have currently written the entire website in html/js/css and on the backend I have servlets that host some RESTFUL services. All the presentation logic is done through getting json objects and modifying the view through javascript.

The application is essentially a search engine, but it will have user accounts with different roles.

I've been researching some frameworks such as Play and Spring. I'm fairly new to web development, so I was wondering what advantages using server side page rendering would provide?

Is it: Speed? Easier development and workflow? Access to existing libraries? More? All of the above?

Best Answer

Server-side HTML rendering:

  • Fastest browser rendering
  • Page caching is possible as a quick-and-dirty performance boost
  • For "standard" apps, many UI features are pre-built
  • Sometimes considered more stable because components are usually subject to compile-time validation
  • Leans on backend expertise
  • Sometimes faster to develop*

*When UI requirements fit the framework well.

Client-side HTML rendering:

  • Lower bandwidth usage
  • Slower initial page render. May not even be noticeable in modern desktop browsers. If you need to support IE6-7, or many mobile browsers (mobile webkit is not bad) you may encounter bottlenecks.
  • Building API-first means the client can just as easily be an proprietary app, thin client, another web service, etc.
  • Leans on JS expertise
  • Sometimes faster to develop**

**When the UI is largely custom, with more interesting interactions. Also, I find coding in the browser with interpreted code noticeably speedier than waiting for compiles and server restarts.

You might also consider a hybrid model with a light backend implementation using a front-end/back-end templating system like mustache.

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