WebStorm vs RubyMine – What Functionality Does WebStorm Have That RubyMine Does Not?


I am looking at buying Rubymine as I am doing a small amount of ruby, but a large amount of html5/javascript.

I was going to get Webstorm as I do have a lot of pure html5/js based frameworks/apps that I am working on, however I then read that WebStorm/PhpStorm/Rubymine etc are all based on their IDEA framework, and made out like each framework contained the functionality of WebStorm anyway, other than a few features which were not there out of the box but could be added through plugins.

The main features that interest me about WebStorm are:

  • JS Unit testing from IDE
  • JS Lint/Hint coverage within UI
  • DOM/JS Refactoring/Intellisense
  • Coffeescript support
  • SVN/Git integration
  • FTP and remote sync (although not as important as the rest)

So given the above, would Rubymine provide the above functionality too? as I would rather have 1 IDE which I can do both in, than having 2 IDEs which have a lot of overlapping functionality.

Is there any specific functionality which is ONLY within Webstorm but not in any of the other IDEs?

Best Answer

RubyMine has all the features of WebStorm. Note that because of the different release cycles some features may appear first in one IDE, but will be also available in all the other IDEs with the next update. There is no functionality specific to WebStorm that is not available in the other IDEs. See http://devnet.jetbrains.com/message/5466924?tstart=0

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