JavaScript – Understanding JavaScript’s Internal Data Structure

data structureshashingjavascript

Consider a basic js object:

var obj={x:1,y:'2'};

Is this stored internally as a hashtable or does js use a different mechanism for key value pairs? If they are hash tables does anyone know how they handle collisions?

Best Answer

"javascript internal" doesn't really mean anything, as far as I know, such thing isn't specified for Javascript.

For some Javascript engine or interpreter, the internal representation can be any number of things, whatever works for any given situation.

For long-lived objects of indeterminate lifetime, it's most likely a hash table, but also a list (or whatever) of property names in natural ("alphabetical") sorted order probably exists at least temporarily.

Arrays, as much as they exist in Javascript, probably also have a custom, optimized internal data structure, which may support faster indexed access than going through creating a hash table hash.

And then a JS engine doing JIT might for example see that the object is never used for anything, in which case that object can be nothing internally, the instance is just optimized away and never actually created.

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