Javascript – Why almost no webpages hash passwords in the client before submitting (and hashing them again on the server), as to “protect” against password reuse


There are many sites on the Internet that require login information, and the only way to protect against password reusing is the "promise" that the passwords are hashed on the server, which is not always true.

So I wonder, how hard is to make a webpage that hashes passwords in the client computer (with Javascript), before sending them to the server, where they would be re-hashed? In theory this doesn't give any extra security, but in practice this can be used to protect against "rogue sites" that don't hash your password in the server.

Best Answer

Why isn't it used? Because it's a lot of extra work for zero gain. Such a system would not be more secure. It might even be less secure because it gives the false impression of being more secure, leading users to adopt less secure practices (like password reuse, dictionary passwords, etc).

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