JavaScript – Why Use JSON.stringify Instead of JSON.serialize?


I'm just wondering about "stringify" vs "serialize". To me they're the same thing (though I could be wrong), but in my past experience (mostly with ) I use Serialize() and never use Stringify().

I know I can create a simple alias in Javascript,

// either
JSON.serialize = function(input) {
    return JSON.stringify(input);

// or
JSON.serialize = JSON.stringify;

but I'm just wondering about the difference between the two and why stringify was chosen.

for comparison purpose, here's how you serialize XML to a String in C#

public static string SerializeObject<T>(this T toSerialize)
    XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(toSerialize.GetType());
    StringWriter textWriter = new StringWriter();

    xmlSerializer.Serialize(textWriter, toSerialize);
    return textWriter.ToString();

Best Answer

Take a closer look at the two comments you've put onto the question:

I suppose after re-reading my question, I'm seeing that in my C# example, I'm serializing the XML and THEN converting the serialized object ToString();. There inlies the rub.


I guess for continuity, it would be better (for me) to have a method that looks like this... JSON.serialize(obj).toString(); or jsonObject().toString();... this way it would look much like my C#... but now I'm over complicating it.

Now remember that in Javascript, an object is a hash (rather, if using Prototype or another framework, it should be qualified as a "special kind of hash" - but the simple form works for this example):

var obj = {
   foo: 1,
   bar: function() { console.log(; }
}; // 1; // function reference; // function call
obj['foo']; // 1
obj['bar']; // function reference
obj['bar'](); // function call

The only reason a serialize() might be necessary in Javascript is to cut out the functions, references to other objects, etc.

So, to go back to your C# example - we've just cut out .Serialize() as unnecessary. An object is a hash, it's already serialized, further "serialization" would have to be done manually in your own code anyway. All that leaves you is .ToString().

Does .stringify() make more sense now?

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