Understanding JavaScript Throttle Function


A user on Stack Overflow posted a question related to overriding a native JS function. The question is here and this is the code:

function throttle(fn, time) {
  var handle;

  var execute = function() {
    handle = null;
    fn.apply(this, arguments);

  var throttled = function() {
    if(!handle) {
      handle = setTimeout(execute.bind(this), time);

  throttled.toString = function() {
    return fn.toString() + "\n// throttled to " + time + "ms";

  return throttled;

var makeAjax = throttle(function(callback) {
  $.getJSON("/path", callback);
}, 500);

I have a pretty good handle (I think) on JavaScript, but there are some areas that remain very grey to me. I would like to know what is happening in this code?

I don't really understand what bind and apply are doing, or what the end result of this all would be. I've looked up bind and apply on Mozilla's JS documentation, but the "official" definition has done little to help me understand what they are doing in this context.

I appreciate your help!

Best Answer

I found it quite hard to read as well, context juggling code is in general hard to read, and therefore error-prone.

this in JavaScript often refer to the parent of the function, that is, when a function is stored as the field of an object like:

function fun(){
    return this
obj = {f:fun}

Calling obj.f() will return obj, simply calling fun() however will return the window element as the function is not called as a member, so the value of this depend on context. When making a wrapper like the one you show the context for this will invariably change, the bind and apply methods are made for dealing with situations like that. fun.bind(cont) will make a version of fun where this is always cont. fun.apply(cont,args) will run fun with this set to cont and the values in the array args as parameters.

The code in question demonstrate how convoluted these things get by failing to pass the given arguments to the function. The real parameters are passed to throttled, but the arguments array that is used come from execute, it is empty.

Using the bind function is unnecessary, this could just as well be stored in a simple variable.

Here is a fixed, and in my opinion easier to read, version, along with code that demonstrate the functionality:

function throttle(fn, time) {
    var handle;
    function throttled() {
        var args;
        var context;
        if(!handle) {
            args = arguments;
            context = this;
            handle = setTimeout(execute, time);

        function execute() {
            handle = null;
            fn.apply(context, args);

    throttled.toString = function() {
        return fn.toString() + "\n// throttled to " + time + "ms";

    return throttled;

obj = {
        return "obj's toString";
        console.log(input+", "+this);
obj.f("input string 1")
obj.f("input string 2")
obj.f("input string 3")
obj.f("input string 4")
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