Javascript – XSLT equivalent for JSON


I was interested in finding (or if necessary developing) an XSLT equivalent for JSON.

As I have not found any, I was considering the possible query language to use for matching JSON paths so as to apply templates (from JavaScript) when there was a match (probably just checking an array of matching patterns in order, and stopping at the first template which matches, though allowing for the equivalent of xsl:apply-templates to keep templates going for children).

I am aware of JSONPath, JSONQuery, and RQL as JSON query languages (though I was not fully clear on whether RQL supported absolute and relative paths). Any suggestions on factors to consider and relative advantages of each toward such a usage.

Best Answer

XML : XSLT :: JSON : x. What is x ?

The most facile answer would be x = JavaScript. Though you could make a case for this, it feels unsatisfying. Even though XSLT is technically Turing complete, there is a poor correspondence between the declarative style of XSLT and the more imperative or functional styles seen in JavaScript.

There are a few standalone JSON query languages, like JSONPath, JSONiq, and RQL which might stand in for the middle ground of XML : XPath :: JSON : y (or possibly, XQuery rather than XPath). And every JSON-focused document database has a JSON-related query language.

But the reality is, despite there being a few contenders for the full XSLT position, such as SpahQL, there are no generally accepted, broadly supported JSON equivalents to XSLT.


With all the JSON in the world, why isn't there a (more direct) analog to XSLT? Because many developers view XSLT as a failed experiment. Any search engine will lead to to quotes like "XSLT is a failure wrapped in pain." Others have argued that if it were just better formatted, it would be more popular. But interest in XSLT has generally diminished over the years. Many tools that support it support only version 1.0, which is a 1999 specification. Fifteen year old specs? There is a much newer 2.0 spec, and if people were enthusiastic about XSLT, it would be supported. It isn't.

By and large developers have chosen to process and transform XML documents with code, not transformation templates. It is therefore unsurprising that when working with JSON, they would also by and large choose to do that in their native language, rather than adding an additional "foreign" transformation system.

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