Design Patterns – Job and Workers Pattern Explained


I have x number of worker classes which all implement a specific interface, i have a job descriptions
Each job description States the different worker classes that should execute to complete the job
Am I smelling a strategy pattern here?

All workers share some configuration data so I think I should have a seperate configuration classes that I can be passed into the constructor at worker creation

AM I walking down the right path?


more high level details

  • the job description specifies the different workers that needs to run to produce a sample file.
  • each worker deals with a specific set of data domains
  • all workers share the same output generation class to produce file(s) that are structurally same.
  • there can be y number of job definitions and x number of workers so

y(1) uses x(1),x(2),x(3)

y(2) uses x(2),x(3),x(4)

i could have a JobFactory that returns a collection of the required worker classes and then iterate through the collection while invoking the worker execute method.

just looking for more ideas/opinions.

Best Answer

The design that springs to mind for me is to have a Job class, which holds the recipe for the job and a collection of abstract Worker instances.
To create the concrete workers required by the recipe, I would use a WorkerFactory (creating one worker per request).

The responsibility of the Job class is to create the string of workers needed for a job and to execute those workers.

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