Algorithms – Finding the Kth Optimal Path in a Matrix


I had the following question I was trying to solve:

You are given a n*n matrix. Every cell of the matrix contain some value (positive).

You are currently at (0,0) and you have to go to right most and bottom most cell ((n-1)*(n-1)). You can move either right or down.

I am aware of finding the most optimal solution for this using the dynamic programming approach. But what is the best way to find the kth optimal solution?

Best Answer

In the classic version(k = 1, solve for best path), the key insight used is as follows.

1) In computing best path for cell (i, j) (best[i][j] is the cost of best path from top-left to (i, j)), we notice that this path could either come from it's left or upper neighbor. Thus we do (leaving aside corner cases for a moment)

best[i][j] = min(best[i][j-1], best[i-1][j]) + value[i][j]

2) Now, if we want to compute k best paths from top-left corner to (i, j), we can again follow a similar, but more general technique. Here, best[i][j] can be thought of as a list of k best paths instead of one best path.

best[i][j] = merge_and_select_k(best[i-1][j], best[i][j-1], k)

merge_and_select_k takes two input lists, an integer k - It concatenates the two lists and keeps only the k best values. Of course, you must also add value[i][j] to all these selected items.

3) Loop over the matrix, just like in the classic version and compute best[i][j] for every i and j. Your final result is best[n][n][k].

4) This works because, we only need to consider best[i-1][j] and best[i][j-1] for computing best[i][j]. Time complexity is O(k * n * n) and space complexity is O(k * n), as we only need keep the values for current and previous rows.

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