Lambda Calculus – Call by Value vs. Call by Name (Lazy Evaluation)


Having difficulties deciding which rules to apply on by value / by name evaulation.
Say I have:


And I want to evaluate according to call by valute, will the next step be


(evaluate the left side – z apply on z),


(evaluate the right side first)

And how does the evluation goes for call by name?

Best Answer

You want to apply


to the argument

  • Call by value means: reduce the argument to normal form and then bind the parameter z to it
  • Call by name means: replace each occurrence of the parameter z in the body of the function by the unevaluated argument

Since λb.b is already in normal form, it does not make a difference whether you use call by name or call by value: in both cases you will end up replacing each occurrence of z by λb.b, giving

(λb.b) (λb.b)