Literate programming vs reasonably documenting your code


In a project that aspires from the onset to be maintainable across a revolving team of developers, what difference would it make to use literate programming against thorough commenting guidelines?

The latter would imply: classes with explicit purposes of what they do, why they are there, with examples, non-cryptic error codes, variables with inline explanations, a style guide that forces developers to use plain English, full sentences, eschew abbreviations and so on. Add to it that an IDE could be able to collapse the details or you could just extract the docs.

Could it be that literate programming was a solution to problem that was tackled meanwhile through other means? Could it be that back then, when literate programming was created, some languages/tools wouldn't allow for simple mechanisms like these?

Best Answer

Literate programming is the nice idea that you can write your code together with an explanation or walkthrough of that code. Importantly, you are not constrained by the syntax of the underlying programming language but can structure your literate program in any way to want. (Literate programming involves chunks of code embedded into text, not comments into code.)

There are three huge problems with literate programming: it takes a lot of effort, there is little tooling, and changes become more difficult.

  • Documentation always requires effort. Literate programming requires less effort than maintaining separate documentation of comparable quality. However, this amount of effort is still unwarranted for most kinds of code. A lot of code is not interesting and requires little discussion, it's mostly just delegating stuff to some framework. The kind of tricky logic that benefits from literate programming is comparatively rare.

  • While there are various tools for literate programming (including Knuth's original WEB, and decent support in the Haskell ecosystem), they all suck. The next-best thing I've come across is org-mode, but that requires the use of Emacs. The problem is that programming is more than typing letters, it's also debugging and navigating code, which benefits greatly from an IDE-style experience. Auto-complete is non-negotiable! Literate programming tools also tend to require non-standard build processes, or mess up line numbers in error messages – not acceptable. If a tool makes your code easier to understand but harder to debug, that's not necessarily a good choice.

  • Related to this is the issue that changes to literately programmed software become more difficult. When you refactor code, you also have to restructure the document. But while you have a compiler or linter to ensure that your code continues to make sense, there's no guarantee that you haven't disrupted the structure of the document. Literate programming is writing and programming to equal parts.

So while full-blown literate programming does not seem to have a place in modern software development, it is still possible to reap some of the benefits. Consider in particular that literate programming is now over 35 years old, so a lot has happened in the meanwhile.

  • Extracting a function with a useful name has many of the same benefits of a chunk of code in literate programming. It's arguably even better because variable names get their separate scope. Most programming languages allow functions to be defined in an arbitrary order, which also allows you to structure the source code within a file in a sensible manner.

  • Literate programming can be used to describe the “why” of a code in a human-readable manner. A somewhat related idea is to express requirements for your program in a both human- and machine-readable format, e.g. as suggested by BDD. This forms a kind of executable specification.

  • Some markup languages have the ability to pull code snippets from your source code. This lets the code be code and lets you construct a narrative around these snippets, without having to duplicate, copy, or update the code. Unfortunately, the popular Markdown has no built-in mechanism for that (but RST, AsciiDoc, and Latex+listings do). This is possibly the best current alternative for creating literate programming-style documents.