Making a virtual supercomputer with distributed P2P computing

distributed computing

I was just having this idea once and wondering if there's any possibility to harness the power of p2p distributed computing to make a virtual supercomputer with the following features:

  • Works like a normal machine but uses
    networked RAM
  • Normal applications should be able to work on distributed environment dividing load among peers

This maybe unrealistic, just curious and want to know your views..

EDIT: Some interesting links I found while researching…

Best Answer

Good question! Nice to see someone considering such points. Philosophising over computer application and usage is important. What you describe is a Distributed System.

If I were you, I would consider looking at the likes of SETI@Home project and other "screensaver processes" that use redundant CPU cycles to process large amounts of data. Chances are that those guys will have considered this kind of situation before.

The main issues are:

This is the question of "how can I ensure my request gets processed when the node I ask to process the request may fail - and how do I handle such inevitable failures?" (see Jeff Atwood's Coding Horror piece on the Chaos Monkey concept (in today for a possible method of investigation

Memory speed (or CAS) would be so variable that this would mean that any application would have to have enough memory available locally, at the place of use, that it could manage its tasks. In the same way that a Windows machine uses a Page File, so a distributed architecture could use specific nodes as memory caches

There are other considerations (such as security, usability, and yes bandwidth to some extent although you can always add more nodes, etc) but these will suffice as a starting point for you. Good luck with your research.

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