Managing Maven Dependencies Across Multiple Teams


In a situation where there are multiple teams making changes to some Maven projects with dependencies between them (otherwise unrelated projects i.e. no super POM or anything like that), with each team working in a separate working branch on all of these projects and merging them back to trunk only after a story is complete and tested, how should one handle the dependencies between snapshot builds that each team produces?

Note that any of the teams could be making changes in any of the projects: they work on different pieces of functionality of the same system, and the projects are more like different layers.

Before the split into multiple teams, artifacts were deployed to a central Nexus repository. Of course, it would be possible to set up separate Nexus repositories for each team, and an additional one for trunk, but I'm hoping there would be a better way to deal with this.

Best Answer

Source code repositories have branches, binary ones don't. So any part of your development plan that relies on branching can't rely on binary repositores for things that are in the scope of branches.

(One exception to the above is ClearCase, which does do both, and is best not spoken of.)

If the teams are to be independant, you really do need to manage the dependencies in terms of released versions. This will be painful; what you are doing is hard. Probably have to get used to planning and discussing changes in advance, abandoning ad-hoc refactoring.

On the other hand, perhaps the teams are really only nominal, e.g. everyone is all working together to a single overall product release/delivery schedule. Then just keep to a single overall version number that gets bumped any time a feature branch is merged back to master. All local dependencies then simply use {project.version}.

Note that this is still not a snapshot, as you never update it without changing the number.

And then within a team share code not binaries. Some extra recompilation, but if that takes more than 15 seconds, get faster PCs. And anyone not using a multi-module IDE like eclipse will have to write a trivial reactor-build POM to cover the set of modules they are currently working on.


For how to set up an IDE, CI build server and reactor build for this kind of situation.

Or, you could try reimplementing ClearCase with some scripting on top of git+Nexus (don't do this).