Algorithms – Determine if a Line Segment is an External Edge of Delaunay Triangulation


I've created a Delauney triangulation of a set of points. Now I want to iterate over the triangulation and remove any line segments/edges on the exterior for which the following are true:

  1. The outside edge is the hypotenuse of the triangle
  2. Call the hypotenuse the "base" and determine the "height" of the triangle. Then if base/height > x (where x is some criteria value, say 4), delete that edge/triangle (depending on data structure/object definitions).

In essence I'm trying to remove edges from the triangulation to create a more characteristic shape by deleting edges that are long, skinny, and on the outside of the triangulation. I might add in a check later for size of the triangle relative to the average of the rest, too.

My question is: is there an easy way to check if a given edge is on the exterior of the triangulation?

I figured I could build in to the triangulation process itself a design that will make every line segment its own object, then have each line segment "know" its neighboring polygons, and if it has an empty neighbor slot then it is external. This seemed inefficient, though, and the code I currently have just spits out a bunch of triangle objects with its vertices's indexes stored. Calculating the line segments shouldn't be too bad, but then I only want to do the deletion process on external edges as opposed to all of them.

Not sure if this question belonged in math or programming, apologies if it should not be in here or if I provided too little/too much information.

I'm working in Python, but my concern here is about theoretical approach/algorithm as opposed to code so I don't feel it necessary to include code.

EDIT to note: I'll want to iterate over the exterior multiple times in the event that after deleting one exterior triangle the first round through it reveals a new exterior that fits the deletion parameters. Therefore I'd like to avoid completely recalculating the exterior edges each time — thus the question about a quick-and-easy, if it exists.

Best Answer

A triangulation of your point set gives you for each point a list of "adjacent" points, the neighbours to which a point is connected.

Once you have calculated the triangulation, you can determine the outer edges by applying an algorithm similar to the classic gift-wrapping algorithm for convex hulls. You start with, for example, the "rightmost" point (which is part of the convex hull and so at the outer edge). Then step from point to point using only outer edges of the triangulation. The only difference to the "convex hull" algorithm is, when having points p_(n-1) and p_(n), you choose p_(n+1) as the point among all adjacent points minimizing the angle between p_(n)->p_(n-1) and p_(n) ->p_(n+1).

Hope this helps.

example for going from p_n to p_(n+1)

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