Mobile Development- Obtaining development hardware – best practices


I'm looking to get into smartphone development, but there a quite a few options out there for platforms right now. (iOS/Android/WebOS/Bada/Symbian/MeeGo/WindowsMobile/JavaME)

I'd like to have development hardware to test my code and the overall functionality of the devices.

What is the best way to obtain and/or borrow hardware for development and testing? Are there rules of thumb to follow which apply to all companies and platforms?

In this situation, I'm a single developer. Does this process change for a startup? A hackerspace? A small business? A large business?

Best Answer

It sounds like the best way to go about this is to go to the manufacturer's developer page, or the page for the operating system.
Here are some of the developer pages I was able to find:

Palm Developers Page

bada Developers Page

iOS Dev Center

Android Developers Page

MeeGo Developers Page

HTC Developer Center

Motorola Developer Network

Sony Ericsson Developer World

LG Mobile Developer Network

Nokia Developer Programs (on Forum.Nokia)

Windows Phone AppHub

BlackBerry Developer Zone

EDIT: MobiForge appears to have an excellent article about the options that developers have for testing on physical devices. They suggest three options:

Purchase the devices (either new or through places like ebay)

Hire (or rent) the devices (using a service such as Adams Phones)

Use a testing provider (such as Samsung Lab.Dev or DeviceAnywhere)

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