Multi-tenancy – single database vs multiple database


We have a number of clients, whose systems share some functionality, but also have quite a degree of diversity. The number of clients is growing – always a healthy thing! – and the diversity between their businesses is also increasing.

At present there is a single ASP.Net (Web Forms) Web Site (as opposed to web project), which has sub-folders for each tenant, with that tenant's non-standard pages. There is a separate model project, which deals with database access and business logic.

Which is preferable – and most importantly, why – between having (a) 1 database per client, with only the features associated with that client; or (b) a single database shared by all clients, where only a subset of tables are used by any one client.

The main concerns within the business are over:

  • maintenance of multiple assets – backups, version control and the like
  • promoting re-use as much as possible

How would you ensure these concerns are addressed, which solution is preferable, and why? (I have been also compiling responses to similar questions)

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