Multiple Oauth2 access tokens


I have an API that uses oAuth2 and my own mobile apps that use this API as their backend. Since users can be logged on via multiple devices (i.e iPhone, iPad, android tablet or android phone) at the same time, I need the API to distinguish between each connection. I would like to do this via separate access tokens: each client gets a separate access token.

The problem is that the current implementation we use (spring-security-oauth2) generates a unique key based on client_id, username, and scope. So basically, when getting an access token, all clients get the same access token for the same user. This is done using DefaultAuthenticationKeyGenerator.

Is it safe to ignore the authentication key generator and simply create a new access token on each request from a client?

Best Answer

Spring cloud provides already this behavior. Just add different Clients. Like iosAppClient, androidAppClient in your AuthorizationServerConfiguration class.

public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
                    .scopes("read", "write")


In the backend you can get the clientID like the following

clientId = ((OAuth2Authentication) authentication).getOAuth2Request().getClientId();

and implement different behavior based on the clientId.

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