GPL Licensing – Must Source Code Be Human-Readable?

gpllicensingobfuscationreadabilitysource code

In a response to another question, a poster suggested that under the GPL:

…you need to provide the human readable [code], not a whitespace stripped version…

Readability would seem to me to be subjective and unlikely to be explicitly required by the GPL. Is it?

Best Answer

The GPL requires that it be the preferred version for editing. If you normally write in obfuscated code, and make changes directly in it, then that's the source for GPL. If you work on a readable version, and then run it through any sort of obfuscator, the readable version is what the GPL considers the source.

"Readability" is subjective and not defined. It is legal to release really bad, hard to understand, code under the GPL. It is not legal to take the version that you make changes in, remove the whitespace or otherwise make it less readable, and call that the source under the GPL.

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