Mutating Programming Language


For fun I was thinking about how a programming paradigm could differ from OOP and came up with this concept. I don't have a strong foundation in computer science so it might be common place without me knowing it (more likely it's just a stupid idea 🙂

I apologize in advance for this somewhat rambling question, anyways here goes:

In normal OOP methods and classes are variant only upon parameters, meaning if two different classes/methods call the same method they get the same output.

My, perhaps crazy idea, is that the calling method and class could be an "invisible" part of it's signature and the response could vary depending on who call's an method.

Say that we have a Window object with a Break() method, now anyone (who has access) could call this method on Window with the same result.

Now say that we have two different objects, Hammer and SledgeHammer. If Break need to produce different results based on these we'd pass them as parameters Break(IBluntObject bluntObject)

With a mutating programming language (mpl) the operating objects on the method would be visible to the Break Method without begin explicitly defined and it could adopt itself based on them). So if SledgeHammer calls Window.Break() it would generate vastly different results than if Hammer did so.

If classes are black boxes then mutating classes are black boxes that knows who's (trying) to push it's buttons and can adapt their behavior accordingly.

You could also have different permission sets on methods depending who's calling them rather than having absolute permissions like public and private.

Does this have any advantage over OOP? Or perhaps I should say, would it add anything to it since you should be able to simply add this aspect to methods (just give access to a CallingMethod and CallingClass variable in context)

I'm not sure, might be to hard to wrap one's head around, it would be kinda interesting to have classes that adopted themselves to who uses them though.
Still it's an interesting concept, what do you think, is it viable?

Here's some potential dummy code from a game where a player has is damaged by something. In normal OOP most things would instead be passed as parameters to the method whereas here Damage "pulls" the properties it uses. Different? yes, better? perhaps not 🙂

Class Player
    void Damage
        if (#CallingClass has property HitPoints)
   -= #CallingClass.HitPoints;

        if ( < 0 && #CallingClass is Terrain)
            ShowMessage("was killed by the environment");
        else if (health < 0 && #CallingClass is Player &&  #CallingMethod is RocketLauncher)
            ShowMessage("was killed with a rocketlauncher by player" + #CallingClass.PlayerName);


To reduce if-else statements you could have method overrides based on caller methods and classes

Best Answer

Let me see if I understand what you're getting at.

In traditional OOP languages like C++ or C#, the action of a method depends on the runtime type of the receiver:

Window w1 = new GlassWindow();
Window w2 = new PlexiglassWindow();
w1.Break(new Brick());
w2.Break(new Brick());

Which method is actually invoked depends on the runtime type, not the compile time type, of the receiver, provided that Break is "virtual".

Languages which have this property are called "single virtual dispatch" languages.

Your proposal is that the action of Break depend also upon the runtime type of the argument. Suppose Break takes an Object:

w1.Break(new Hammer());
w1.Break(new Pillow());
w2.Break(new Hammer());
w2.Break(new Pillow());

and now perhaps four different things happen depending on the runtime types.

This sort of double dispatch operation is very common in things like games, where you want to have different logic for every possible kind of collision: player with laser, laser with laser, laser with player, player with wall, laser with wall...

Languages that have this property are called "double dispatch" languages; languages that can do more than double dispatch are said to be "multiple dispatch".

This is a pretty well-studied area; do a web search on "visitor pattern" to learn more about simulating double dispatch in a single dispatch language.

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