ASP.NET MVC vs AngularJS – Model Binding Comparison

So I've noticed a trend lately of .net web developers using angular.js on the client side of applications and I've become more curious as I play around with angular and compare it to how I would do things in mvc.

I'll give a quick example of what really got me thinking.

I recently came across a situation at work (I work in a .net environment) where I needed to create a table bound to a collection of objects that had the ability to add and remove rows/items from the collection. I had an add button that created a new object and appended a row to the end of the table, and a remove button in each row to remove a particular object/row. Using mvc, I first found myself making an ajax call to the server for each operation, updating the server side model, and refreshing part of the page to show the result in the table. This worked but I didn't really like the idea of calling the server to update the model each time, so I tried to come up with a solution to do this on the client side. It turned out to be quite a task, as I had to generate the html on add with validation and all and the correct indexing for the model binding to work. It got worse on remove, as I ended up with a crazy string replace function to recreate the indexes on each item to satisfy the binding requirements (if an item other than the last is removed, the indexes are no longer correct). Now out of curiosity, I tried to recreate this at home in angular (which I had no experience with) and it took me all of about 10 minutes with simple functions to add and remove items from the client side model.

This is just one example, but it seems to me that I'm able to achieve the same results with far fewer calls to the server in angular because of the fact that it binds to a client side model.

So my question is, is this a distinct advantage of using a javascript mvc framework or am I somehow under utilizing the power of mvc and am I right in thinking that these operations should be done on the client and have no business requiring calls to the server?

Best Answer

It seems that what you're describing is client-side data-binding, which is one small part of what AngularJS does. (It also does routing, view templating, and a ton of other stuff.)

If what you're interested in is just adding the client-side data-binding piece to your otherwise just-fine ASP.NET MVC framework, there are other options (such as knockout.js) which you should investigate before deciding what works best for you.

There is no one answer to the question of how much functionality should be client-side vs server-side.

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