Mvc – Do experienced Ruby on Rails developers use scaffolding


In the Ruby on Rails tutorial, I read something that suggested that experienced developers do not use scaffolding since they tend to like to just write the code to connect the MVC on their own.

In a different place I read that it is a good idea to use scaffolding because it helps you stick to convention so others who look at and interact with your code will understand what you are doing.

I am pretty new to Ruby on Rails but not MVC or web application – should I generally try hard to stick to scaffolding conventions and let it guide me?

Best Answer

Scaffolding serves a purpose - it's a rapid prototyping tool. Use it if that is what you are doing. Once you have your prototype, you can intelligently make the decision to modify what the scaffolding produced for you, or delete the scaffolding and build up the app exactly as you want it.

If this is your first rails application, I strongly recommend however that you don't use scaffolding. As a learning exercise, nothing teaches better than getting down to the metal and seeing exactly what you need to get an app up and running.

Hope this helps!

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