MVC Architecture – Is the Router Part of the Controller?


I'm learning to implement RESTful APIs, and the concepts of Controller and Router are common in many frameworks, along with the MVC pattern in general, so I'm encountering them everywhere.

From this question and googling around I understand that they are not the same thing, as they are responsible of very specific, and different, actions. But one thing isn't clear: design-wise, is the router considered part of the controller?

In the mentioned question, one user comments:

You only need a model (database), a controller (which is the router), and the view (a page). That's it. If you have a Router and a Controller then you've over complicated it and are just using the Router to pass data to a Controller. A Controller is a Router, but a Router is not a Controller.

I often see routers and controllers on the same file, but it's very common to separate them in different files and/or directories. From this I understand that they are intimately related, but sometimes it's better to separate them to implement separation of responsibilities, and to make our codebase modular and easier to maintain.

Also in the mentioned question, we can see answers considering the router part of the controller layer, but others treating it as a different entities. Both can make sense in a thought experiment:

  • Maybe you consider the router to exist before the MVC, as in one MVC per page. The router maps to the controller, but it's not considered part of the controller itself.
  • Maybe you consider the router to be part of the controller, as in the whole webpage is one monolithic implementation of MVC. The router maps to the controller because one is part of the other.

This scenario is very subjective, but in the context of software architecture and design, is the MVC pattern more specific or clear about the roles and structure of routers and controllers?

In other words, is the router a module inside the controller, or is the router considered a separate actor (MVCR perhaps)?

Best Answer

How to you write the word "computer" in ancient latin language? Nobody knows, because for sure, there were no computers in the roman empire ;-)

The MVC architectural model was designed in the 70s to address a clean separation of responsibility and decoupling the "application" logic (Model) from the user interface (Views for the display, Controller for the input).

When we come to distributed architectures, we have a couple more concerns to add to our architectural design. Since routing was obviously not relevant in early MVC, you have the choice:

  • Stick to the MVC concept with some interpretation: in this regard, routing is indeed closer to the C than to anything else;
  • Shift to a web-contemporary MVP architecture, in which the P takes a central role of being not only a (distributed) controller but also playing the role of a middleperson between M and V. In this context, the router is without hesitation part of the P.
  • Or use any other architecture model that better expresses the needs. "MVCR" has the advantage of being less artificial than MVC, but has the inconvenience, that there's no literature about how R should relate to the others. And don't forget that you're not limited to MVxxx - you may as well consider a Clean Architecture and similar