MVC Design Pattern – Is the Controller Really Necessary?


I understand the role of the model and view in the Model-View-Controller pattern, but I have a hard time understanding why a controller is necessary.

Let's assume we're creating a chess program using an MVC approach; the game state should be the model, and the GUI should be the view. What exactly is the controller in this case?

Is it just a separate class that has all the functions that will be called when you, say, click on a tile? Why not just perform all the logic on the model in the view itself?

Best Answer

Using your example the Controller would be what decided what was a legal move or not. The Controller would let the view know how to arrange the pieces on the board at start up using the information it received from the Model. There are more things that can be handled by the Controller but the key is to think about Business Logic on that layer.

There are times when all the Controller does is pass information back and forth, like a sign up page. Other times the Controller is the difficult part of the development because there are many things that need to be done at that layer like enforcing rules or doing complicated math for example. Don't forget the Controller!