MVC: What is the difference between a model and a service


Why in some frameworks the logic layer is called "Model" whereas in some it is called "Service". Are they different from each other or just different by naming conventions?


The reason I'm asking is because in Zend Framework, a classical MVC framework, everybody uses the concept of Model. Now I'm learning AngularJS and it seems that the word Model disappeared and was replaced by the word service.

What I noticed is that a service is more like a singleton that can be reused again and again (example: a REST client) whereas a model is more related to the data manipulations coming from the controller in the MVC pattern.

Best Answer

Model: Fields that belong to the object, methods that help to get/set data from the object (a fullname accessor that returns first + last name)

Service: Methods to perform operations with one or more models, see 'unit of work', transactions, etc...

Employee::create should just take a set of data, perform model validation if necessary, and return an Employee Object.

EmployeeService::hireEmployee might create the employee, send them a welcome email, create a mailbox, make them a sandwich, etc... it may return the set of data, or a result code, etc...

This can also affect validation:

Model Validation: Employee must have a id, first and last name, and birthday

Service Validation: Employees for the bartender position must be 21 or over, and approved by a manager.