ASP.NET MVC – Should Views or Models Be Created First in MVC Web Application?

I have to build a new application from scratch, so I want to implement it using MVC3 and try to follow general best practices as closely as possible. However, I'm developing it as a one man army. Does it make more to create the views first so I have some "Mockup screens" then build the Models and controllers? or the other way around?

Best Answer

I tend iterate through both in turns.

I usually start by sketching the model, since at the end of the day it's the single most important thing to get right in the long term.

But I also consider the UI, wondering how the latter impacts the model. There are occasions where the model is right on paper but leads to either or both of UI problems and performance problems. I adjust the model accordingly.

Take users and addresses for instance. The natural idea is to normalize the thing to the point where you've users, addresses, cities, states, countries, and a user2address table for an n-n relationship.

But if you consider UI implications of that and how that could work out in an editor, the last thing you want is a confused user who edits someone's address following and ends up changing the address of many others. You end up abandoning the user2address table, and stick to a user_id field in the addresses (thus a 1-n relationship).

(Don't dismiss the example as silly, I've actually seen this in real life for company names and addresses on a system that had a contact2company table. A secretary changed a company's name and address because a contact had a new employer. This resulted in a near-dup entry in the companies, and incorrectly changed the mailing address of several other contacts).

Point is, there are cases where UI leads to amend the model, and vice-versa.

Another crucial point, which you haven't mentioned but which I think is equally if not more important, are business rule edge cases. In those, "always" actually means "usually", and "never" means "rarely".

For instance, I've seen stores whose orders tables were tied to a single product and two dates (order_date/cleared_date). I said good luck with that if you need an order with multiple products or if a chargeback or partial refund occurs.

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