N alternative to HTML Web Sockets, now that Firefox 4 has disabled them


I've been checking out some of the latest multiplayer engines in HTML all supporting multi-user games (Very nice) – I believe all these engines use Web Sockets for communication.

That’s why we’ve decided to disable
support for WebSocket in Firefox 4,
starting with beta 8 due to a
protocol-level security issue. Beta 7
of Firefox has support for the -76
version of the protocol, the same
version that’s included with Chrome
and Safari. Beta 8 of Firefox 4 will
remove that support. Anne van Kesteren
of Opera also announced that Opera are
dropping Websocket support. We are
confident that other browser
developers will follow.

Source: Websockets Disabled in FireFox 4

I've just come accross the above, so no sockets in Firefox 4 or Opera…. thats big. Is anyone aware of an alternate or is it Chrome or do we need to just sit and wait for the next release of the major browsers.

More info : Rocket Engine appears to work with all browsers including IE8 (http://rocketpack.fi/engine/) what will it be using as a method of communication?

Best Answer

Yes, there are alternatives:

  • Adobe Flash Socket
  • AJAX long polling
  • AJAX multipart streaming
  • Forever Iframe
  • JSONP Polling

Take a look at socket.io which handles these automatically depending on what is available.