N excuse for short variable names


This has become a large frustration with the codebase I'm currently working in; many of our variable names are short and undescriptive. I'm the only developer left on the project, and there isn't documentation as to what most of them do, so I have to spend extra time tracking down what they represent.

For example, I was reading over some code that updates the definition of an optical surface. The variables set at the start were as follows:

double dR, dCV, dK, dDin, dDout, dRin, dRout
dR = Convert.ToDouble(_tblAsphere.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(1));
dCV = convert.ToDouble(_tblAsphere.Rows[1].ItemArray.GetValue(1));
... and so on

Maybe it's just me, but it told me essentially nothing about what they represented, which made understanding the code further down difficult. All I knew was that it was a variable parsed out specific row from a specific table, somewhere. After some searching, I found out what they meant:

dR = radius
dCV = curvature
dK = conic constant
dDin = inner aperture
dDout = outer aperture
dRin = inner radius
dRout = outer radius

I renamed them to essentially what I have up there. It lengthens some lines, but I feel like that's a fair trade off. This kind of naming scheme is used throughout a lot of the code however. I'm not sure if it's an artifact from developers who learned by working with older systems, or if there's a deeper reason behind it. Is there a good reason to name variables this way, or am I justified in updating them to more descriptive names as I come across them?

Best Answer

It appears that these variable names are based on the abbreviations you'd expect to find in a physics textbook working various optics problems. This is one of the situations where short variable names are often preferable to longer variable names. If you have physicists (or people that are accustomed to working the equations out by hand) that are accustomed to using common abbreviations like Rin, Rout, etc. the code will be much clearer with those abbreviations than it would be with longer variable names. It also makes it much easier to compare formulas from papers and textbooks with code to make sure that the code is actually doing the computations properly.

Anyone that is familiar with optics will immediately recognize something like Rin as the inner radius (in a physics paper, the in would be rendered as a subscript), Rout as the outer radius, etc. Although they would almost certainly be able to mentally translate something like innerRadius to the more familiar nomenclature, doing so would make the code less clear to that person. It would make it more difficult to spot cases where a familiar formula had been coded incorrectly and it would make it more difficult to translate equations in code to and from the equations they would find in a paper or a textbook.

If you are the only person that ever looks at this code, you never need to translate between the code and a standard optics equation, and it is unlikely that a physicist is ever going to need to look at the code in the future perhaps it does make sense to refactor because the benefit of the abbreviations no longer outweighs the cost. If this was new development, however, it would almost certainly make sense to use the same abbreviations in the code that you would find in the literature.

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