Name of the Countdown Numbers round problem – and algorithmic solutions


For the non-Brits in the audience, there's a segment of a daytime game-show where contestants have a set of 6 numbers and a randomly generated target number. They have to reach the target number using any (but not necessarily all) of the 6 numbers using only arithmetic operators. All calculations must result in positive integers.

An example: Youtube: Countdown – The Most Extraordinary Numbers Game Ever?

A detailed description is given on Wikipedia: Countdown (Game Show)

For example:

  • The contentant selects 6 numbers – two large (possibilities include 25, 50, 75, 100) and four small (numbers 1 .. 10, each included twice in the pool).
  • The numbers picked are 75, 50, 2, 3, 8, 7 are given with a target number of 812.
  • One attempt is (75 + 50 – 8) * 7 – (3 * 2) = 813 (This scores 7 points for a solution within 5 of the target)
  • An exact answer would be (50 + 8) * 7 * 2 = 812 (This would have scored 10 points exactly matching the target).

Obviously this problem has existed before the advent of TV, but the Wikipedia article doesn't give it a name. I've also saw this game at a primary school I attended where the game was called "Crypto" as an inter-class competition – but searching for it now reveals nothing.

I took part in it a few times and my dad wrote an Excel spreadsheet that attempted to brute-force the problem, I don't remember how it worked (only that it didn't work, what with Excel's 65535 row limit), but surely there must be an algorithmic solution for the problem. Maybe there's a solution that works the way human cognition does (e.g. in-parallel to find numbers 'close enough', then taking candidates and performing 'smaller' operations).

Best Answer

Disclaimer: This answer does not answer the question that completely. But it's too long for a comment.

NP-hard? I believe, this problem could be NP-hard.

Consider a special case of the Knapsack problem:

Given a set of positive integers and a positive integer b, does there exist a subset of the set such that the sum of all integers in that subset equals b?

This sounds somewhat similar to our Countdown problem, and it seems to be much simpler. However, Knapsack (and this special case of Knapsack) is NP-hard (and NP-complete, of course).

I did not manage to use this for a proof that Countdown is NP-hard. I could not get rid of the division. Consider we have a thousand 2, and b = 7. This will never be solvable with Knapsack, but always (?) with Countdown, at least in all the ways I tried to transfer the problem.

Now, if Countdown really was NP-hard, we could deduce that there with very high probability is no algorithm that is significantly more efficient than brute-force trying all possibilities. (And if we should find such an algorithm, we will become very famous.)

No, I don't think there must be an efficient algorithm.

Heuristics. The Youtube video linked in the question has a nice example: The contestant found an exact answer 952 = ((100 + 6) * 3 * 75 - 50) / 25. That is completely against my intuition, I would never have tried it that way in the first time: Produce a very large number, then divide it and yield the result.

On the other, we humans feel that we do not need to try (arbitrary example) 50 * 75 * 100 / 2 / 3 / 7 to reach a three-digit-number. But computers do not feel anything, they simple calculate.

After all, if we implemented some heuristics, and this heuristics does not find an exact solution, we still will have to try all other solutions to make sure there really is none.

What the contestant in the Youtube video does is, I think, to very quickly check a large number of possibilities and to quickly discard those that will not (or likely will not) give a solution.

Conclusion. When implementing an algorithm, one could take care to strip equal calculations such as a / b / c = a / (b * c), but I think this is quite hard to do and I do not know whether this improves the runtime significantly.

Computers of course are faster than humans in checking a large number of possibilities. And nowadays, even smartphones are so fast they can solve this problem, I think, within a second by simply trying all possibilities. (I did not test this.) There are only six numbers, it would be different if there were e.g. 60 of them.

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