Naming Conventions – Naming a Class Representing a Collection of Objects


This is always a problem for me. Say, in a game, there's a class representing an enemy spacecraft named EnemySpacecraft and there's a class representing some collection of those, say all that exist in the game. This class may be implemented as just an encapsulated array of enemy spacecrafts. Giving this class a name like EnemySpacecrafts is way too similar to the singular form. My other ideas are e.g. AllEnemySpacecrafts or EnemySpacecraftCollection, but I don't know how good I would say those are. What is a proper name to give here? Is there a convention I'm unaware of?

Best Answer

Welcome to worse part of this job. Naming things.

Here some suggestions

1. Reusability

Let's say you want to reuse the concept of groups for different entities of the game.

You could use a basic name alongside with generics

- Raid<>:
  - Raid<EnemySpacecraft>
- Party<>
  - Party<EnemySpacecraft>
- Fleet<>

They also remain loyal to the games jargon (God, how I miss MMOs).

2. Concreteness

  • EnemySpacecraftRaid
  • EnemySpacecraftParty
  • EnemySpacecraftFleet

One benefit of omitting the suffix Collection is that you don't tie the name solely to the idea of having just a collection. A Raid<?> might involve behaviors and attributes like any other entity in the game.

What I like about this approach is that you are moving the ubiquitous language of the domain (games) to the code.

If you think that the domain specific (yours) language doesn't matter and everything can be subordinated to the technical language, then...

there's a class representing some collection of those, say all that exist in the game.

The ideal name would be EnemySpacecraftRepository. But I get the feeling that it doesn't meet your expectations regarding this subject.

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