NoSQL within SQL Server

nosqlsqlsql server

This question is not about the difference between SQL and NoSQL. I am looking for some rationale for something that really does not make sense to me at the moment (maybe because of my lack of understanding or appreciation).

We have started a new project from scratch using MVC5, Entity framework 6 code first and SQL Server 2008. When the architect reviewed the database schema it was stated that all foreign keys and other such constraints should be removed as this is “business logic” and should be applied within the business layer of the application code.

My opinion is that foreign keys form part of data/referential integrity and do not really mimic business logic. I see business logic as more the process and validation which controls what/when/how/why references are applied. I can kind of understand that unique constraints are arguably business processes, but for me this just complements the logic and forms part of the integrity.

A second argument is the aim is to adopt a NoSQL approach to the data. I found this really unusual and unorthodox: considering the use of SQL-Server 2008, the need for reporting, the data not scaling to terabytes and the lack of consideration towards technologies such as Mongo, Raven, etc.

Has anyone came across such a scenario before? Why would anyone adopt a NoSQL approach in an SQL Server designed for referential data and not want foreign keys?

Best Answer

When he reviewed the database schema he stated that all foreign keys and other such constraints should be removed as this is business logic and should be applied within the business layer.

Then he's an idiot, and some excerpt from your codebase is likely to end up on The Daily WTF someday. You're absolutely right that his approach doesn't make sense, and frankly neither does his explanation.

Try explaining to him that referential integrity constraints are not "business logic"; they're a correctness standard with its own built-in verification. Business logic is about what you do with the data; integrity is about ensuring that the data itself is not corrupt. And if that doesn't work... well, he's in charge. You can either go along with his plan and try to mitigate the damage somewhat, or start looking for a better place to work. (Or both.)

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