Nything that can be done with recursion that can’t be done with loops


There are times where using recursion is better than using a loop, and times where using a loop is better than using recursion. Choosing the "right" one can save resources and/or result in fewer lines of code.

Are there any cases where a task can only be done using recursion, rather than a loop?

Best Answer

Yes and no. Ultimately, there's nothing recursion can compute that looping can't, but looping takes a lot more plumbing. Therefore, the one thing recursion can do that loops can't is make some tasks super easy.

Take walking a tree. Walking a tree with recursion is stupid-easy. It's the most natural thing in the world. Walking a tree with loops is a lot less straightforward. You have to maintain a stack or some other data structure to keep track of what you've done.

Often, the recursive solution to a problem is prettier. That's a technical term, and it matters.