PHP – Advantages of Multiple Methods Over Switch


I received a code review from a senior developer today asking "By the way, what is your objection to dispatching functions by way of a switch statement?" I have read in many places about how pumping an argument through switch to call methods is bad OOP, not as extensible, etc. However, I can't really come up with a definitive answer for him. I would like to settle this for myself once and for all.

Here are our competing code suggestions (php used as an example, but can apply more universally):

class Switch {
   public function go($arg) {
      switch ($arg) {
         case "one":
            echo "one\n";
         case "two":
            echo "two\n";
         case "three":
            echo "three\n";
            throw new Exception("Unknown call: $arg");

class Oop {
   public function go_one() {
      echo "one\n";
   public function go_two() {
      echo "two\n";
   public function go_three() {
      echo "three\n";
   public function __call($_, $__) {
      throw new Exception("Unknown call $_ with arguments: " . print_r($__, true));

Part of his argument was "It (switch method) has a much cleaner way of handling default cases than what you have in the generic __call() magic method."

I disagree about the cleanliness and in fact prefer call, but I would like to hear what others have to say.

Arguments I can come up with in support of Oop scheme:

  • A bit cleaner in terms of the code you have to write (less, easier to read, less keywords to consider)
  • Not all actions delegated to a single method. Not much difference in execution here, but at least the text is more compartmentalized.
  • In the same vein, another method can be added anywhere in the class instead of a specific spot.
  • Methods are namespaced, which is nice.
  • Does not apply here, but consider a case where Switch::go() operated on a member rather than a parameter. You would have to change the member first, then call the method. For Oop you can call the methods independently at any time.

Arguments I can come up with in support of Switch scheme:

  • For the sake of argument, cleaner method of dealing with a default (unknown) request
  • Seems less magical, which might make unfamiliar developers feel more comfortable

Anyone have anything to add for either side? I'd like to have a good answer for him.

Best Answer

A switch is considered not OOP because often polymorphism can do the trick.

In your case, an OOP implementation could be this:

class Oop 
  protected $goer;

  public function __construct($goer)
    $this->goer = $goer;

  public function go()
    return $this->goer->go();

class Goer
  public function go()

class GoerA extends Goer
  public function go()

class GoerB extends Goer
  public function go()

class GoerC extends Goer
  public function go()

$oop = new Oop(new GoerB());
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