Object-oriented – Are there any OO languages without inheritance


During a code review today, a colleague of mine said something interesting:

prototype is only useful when you need inheritance – and when's inheritance ever a good idea?

I thought about this and I realised that I usually use inheritance to get around code that was badly designed in the first place. Modern OO style prefers composition over inheritance, but I don't know of any languages which have taken this to heart and actually enforce it.

Are there any general-purpose programming languages with classes, objects, methods, interfaces, and so on, which disallow class-based inheritance? (If such an idea doesn't make sense, why not?)

Best Answer

Setting aside the question of the definition of object oriented programming the question becomes one of "are there languages which use composition only and have no tools for inheritance?"

The answer to this is quite simply "yes". In go, there are no way to do inheritance as one classically thinks of it. One can embedded an object in another object and the extend that object. From Object Desoriented Language (github mirror):

type Person struct {
        Name string

func (p *Person) Intro() string {
        return p.Name

type Woman struct {

func (w *Woman) Intro() string {
        return "Mrs. " + w.Person.Intro()

You've got a person struct that has a Name which is a String. It has a public function called Intro which returns the name. The Woman struct also has a function for Intro which accesses the strut embedded in it. And so one can fulfill the intentions of inheritance by using composition only.

More on this can be seen at GoLang Tutorials: Inheritance and subclassing in Go - or its near likeness.

So yes, it is possible to have an OO language without inheritance, and one does exist.

Within go this is known as embedding and gives enclosing structures the ability to access the embedded fields and functions as if it had them too - but it's not a subclass. The design philosophy can be found in the Go FAQ: Why is there no type inheritance?

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