Object-oriented – Can you learn OO programming without procedural


I've seen a number of question asking whether someone should learn procedural or OO first. But is this even possible? Can you learn OO programming without first having an understanding of procedural programming? Obviously, they can learn to program in an OO language like Java or Python first. But you can write Fortran in any language. My impression is that such beginning programmers write procedural code in an OO language at least at first.

But what do you think?

Best Answer

If you're programming in a purely object-oriented language such as Eiffel, Smalltalk, or Ruby then you're probably going to be forced to learn object-oriented programming from the get-go (as it's effectively the cornerstone of the language) (also note that these languages often have support for other types of programming, such as functional, etc.).

Now, having said that, both object-oriented and procedural programming are ultimately derived from the imperative paradigm, effectively describing how the program is meant to accomplish its task. As such, you still use certain procedural ideas in your program.

In languages that are hybrids (and not fully object-oriented), such as Java, you will still see a lot of object-oriented programming (as it's very relevant in the programming field today, also, Java is routinely used to teach object-oriented concepts).

Bottom line: you don't need to spend years (or even months) learning the procedural paradigm to be capable of understanding the object-oriented paradigm. You can start learning the object-oriented paradigm from the get-go (and you'll doubtlessly pick up certain procedural concepts as you go).

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