Object-Oriented Programming – Can All Methods Be Static?

object-orientedstatic methods

What's the difference between the two UpdateSubject methods below? I felt using static methods is better if you just want to operate on the entities. In which situations should I go with non-static methods?

public class Subject
    public int Id {get; set;}
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public static bool UpdateSubject(Subject subject)
        //Do something and return result
        return true;
    public bool UpdateSubject()
        //Do something on 'this' and return result
        return true;

I know I will be getting many kicks from the community for this really annoying question but I could not stop myself asking it.

Does this become impractical when dealing with inheritance?

Its happening at our work place now.
We are working on a 6 month asp.net web application with 5 developers. Our architect decided we use all static methods for all APIs. His reasoning being static methods are light weight and it benefits web applications by keeping server load down.

Best Answer

I'll go with the most obvious problems of static methods with explicit "this" parameters:

  1. You lose virtual dispatch and subsequently polymorphism. You can never override that method in a derived class. Of course you can declare a new (static) method in a derived class, but any code that accesses it has to be aware of the entire class hierarchy and do explicit checking and casting, which is precisely what OO is supposed to avoid.

  2. Sort of an extension of #1, you can't replace instances of the class with an interface, because interfaces (in most languages) can't declare static methods.

  3. The unnecessary verbosity. Which is more readable: Subject.Update(subject) or just subject.Update()?

  4. Argument checking. Again depends on the language, but many will compile an implicit check to ensure that the this argument is not null in order to prevent a null reference bug from creating unsafe runtime conditions (kind of a buffer overrun). Not using instance methods, you'd have to add this check explicitly at the beginning of every method.

  5. It's confusing. When a normal, reasonable programmer sees a static method, they are naturally going to assume that it doesn't require a valid instance (unless it takes multiple instances, like a compare or equality method, or is expected to be able to operate on null references). Seeing static methods used this way is going to make us do a double or perhaps triple take, and after the 4th or 5th time we are going to be stressed and angry and god help you if we know your home address.

  6. It's a form of duplication. What actually happens when you invoke an instance method is that the compiler or runtime looks up the method in the type's method table and invokes it using this as an argument. You are basically re-implementing what the compiler already does. You're violating DRY, repeating the same parameter again and again in different methods when it's not needed.

It's hard to conceive of any good reason to replace instance methods with static methods. Please don't.