Programming Languages – Criteria for Object-Oriented Languages


I had a discussion about OO programming today and by browsing the internet I found a lot of different specifications for object oriented languages.

  • What are the requirements for a language to be object oriented? For myself an object oriented language must have classes, inheritance and encapsulation.
  • Is C an object oriented language just because you can use structs and program with an object oriented design? Why/ why not?

Are there any good sites/articles about this? And please, no Wikipedia links because I've already been there.

Best Answer

OO is usually "defined" in terms of four basic requirements:

  • Abstraction means you're able to separate an objects externally visible behavior from its implementation.

  • Encapsulation means being able to hide the details of the implementation of an object (so closely related to abstraction that some authors treat them as one, leaving only three major requirements).

  • Modularity means being able to package abstractions into discrete units.

  • Hierarchy is a ranking or ordering of abstractions -- an ability to define the relationship between one abstraction and another.

I, for one, would consider a language object oriented if it supports these four major requirements. Supports, however, goes a bit beyond "allows" or "tolerates".

C, for example, provides enough flexibility that you can simulate each of these reasonably well. C, however, provides only a little support for abstraction or modularity, and none at all for encapsulation or hierarchy -- you can do these things if you want to badly enough, but the language doesn't really provide any direct support for them.

C++, for an obvious comparison does provide direct support for each of these requirements. Just for example, encapsulation is directly supported by making class members private and/or protected and hierarchies are supported via class inheritance.

That's still not what would normally be called a "pure" object oriented language though. In a pure OO language (e.g., Smalltalk), you not only get support for hierarchy, but you get a pre-defined hierarchy of types, and you have to define the relationship of any new type to some existing type in that hierarchy (i.e., all your code most be in classes, and each class must derive from some existing one).

Although classes and inheritance are both common to many implementations of object orientation, neither is really necessary to it. Just for example, Self and JavaScript both use exemplar-based hierarchies. Instead of a hierarchy of classes, with each object an instance of a class, these just use a hierarchy of objects, with each based on some other object, but modified to some arbitrary degree.