Object-Oriented – Does Object-Orientation Really Affect Algorithm Performance?


Object orientation has helped me a lot in implementing many algorithms. However, object-oriented languages sometimes guide you in "straightforward" approach and I doubt if this approach is always a good thing.

OO is really helpful in coding algorithms fast and easily. But could this OOP be a disadvantage for software based on performance i.e. how fast does the programm executes?

For example, storing graph nodes in a data structure seems "straightforward" in the first place, but if Node objects contain many attributes and methods, could this lead to a slow algorithm?

In other words, could many references between many different objects, or using many methods from many classes, result in a "heavy" implementation?

Best Answer

Object orientation may prevent certain algorithmic optimizations, because of encapsulation. Two algorithms may work particularly well together, but if they are hidden behind OO interfaces, the possibility to use their synergy is lost.

Look at numerical libraries. A lot of them (not only those written in the 60s or 70s) are not OOP. There is a reason for that -- numerical algorithms work better as a set of decoupled modules than as OO hierarchies with interfaces and encapsulation.

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