Object-Oriented – Best Practices for Domain/Model Object Attributes


Simple question: Should model/domain objects only include attributes that are meant to be persisted in a database or serialized to any other specific format?

My understanding of a domain/model object is that it should reflect the data store (the model) as tightly as possible, rather than carrying "off-topic" attributes.

Am I on the right track?

Best Answer

It depends. Starting with persistent-only attributes is the most typical approach, and adding non-persistent attributes should typically be an exception. But such a decision is always a trade-off, and where you draw the line depends on the responsibilities you assign to that object. Some typical reasons for adding non-persistent attributes:

  • you need them for an operation which clearly belongs to the object, and holding them within the object turn out to be much simpler than using a second object (note that a second object needs its lifetime to be manage separately)

  • you see an opportunity to keep the API of your domain model as simple as possible

  • you need an option for storing this additional, temporary information without changing too much code in an existing program, and you are sure using a different class or objects will have a too big impact

  • performance reasons (assumed you have a real, measurable performance bottleneck, which can be most easily solved by caching some data in your object)