Object-oriented – How To Extend Parent Methods in Children Classes


There is a parent class with a method which many children use but many children extend the method, what is the best way to extend it without violating DRY?

Here are my 2 current solutions:

1: The parent has a method which calls the reusable code which is relevant for all subclasses (do_this), then it calls a class specific method which all subclasses override. e.g.

    class Parent(object):
        def method(self):

        def do_this(self):
            print 'every child wants to print this'

        def do_this_unique_to_class(self):

    class Child(object):
        def do_this_unique_class(self):
            print 'Only class Child wants to print this'

2: Just use super and every child overrides the parents method. I don't like this solution as much. e.g.

    class Parent(object):
        def do_this(self):
            print 'every child wants to print this'

    class Child(object):
        def do_this(self):
            # call parents do_this
            super(Child, self).do_this()
            # then extend it
            print 'Only class Child wants to print this'

Best Answer

The problem with your solution #1 is that you will never know if you later need some of do_this_unique_class done before do_this.

I would do something a bit different, but somewhat along the lines of #2, by splitting up the do_this method in the parent into methods that the parent makes available for the children and then have the children's 'do_this' method call the methods they need and add in their own logic.

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