Using User Stories and Use Cases in the Same Team


I am trying to encourage working practices that are more agile. I am trying to understand the difference between a Use Case and a User Story. I have read a lot of articles and questions like What's the difference between "use case", "User Story" and "Usage Scenario"? and Is it reasonable to assume a 1:1 relationship between user stories and use cases?

The questions focus on how the approaches differ from a technical perspective. I am trying to specifically understand how to choose one over the over. One article suggests:

  1. Use User Stories to define Product Backlog items

  2. Use Use Case diagrams to define Sprint Backlog Items (the way I understand a Sprint Backlog is that it is the Product Backlog broken down into steps that should be completed over the Sprint).

I like the thought of this as it means Use Case techniques (like UML) can be used during the Sprint.

Is this a normal approach? If it is not then when do you use a Use Case and when do you use a User Story?

Best Answer

Personally I would only use one or the other, not both.

To my mind the User Story is a way of writing a spec which says, "I don't care how this is done as long as I can do it"

"As a Taxi Rider, I can see the price before I accept so that I can choose not to purchase"

Where as a Use Case defines exactly what the app should do and show.

open app->enter destination->see price->accept or reject

The User Story is attempting to push the design tasks to the developers, while the Use Case is saying, the design has been done, now implement it.